
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devicesに論文が掲載されました。

後藤准教授が筆頭著者の真空電子デバイスに関する論文がIEEEの雑誌、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devicesに掲載されました。

Y. Gotoh et al., “Development of a Field Emission Image Sensor
Tolerant to Gamma-Ray Irradiation”,
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Volume 67, Issue 4,
pp. 1660-1665 (2020).


京都大学工学研究科材料化学専攻の田中勝久研究室との共同研究で、希土類酸化物LuFe2O4薄膜に関する論文が英国Royal Society of Chemistryが発行する雑誌CrysEngCommに発表されました。


Magnetic and electrical properties of LuFe2O4 epitaxial thin films with a self-assembled interface structure


LuFe2O4 has been the most extensively studied among a series of RFe2O4 (R = Sc, Y, In and Dy to Lu) compounds, which possess both dielectric and magnetic orderings originating in equal numbers of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in a triangular lattice. We have prepared LuFe2O4 thin films epitaxially grown on a (111)-oriented YSZ (yttria-stabilized zirconia) substrate via a pulsed laser deposition method and found that the resultant thin film comprises a curious self-assembled interface structure. Our structural analysis at an atomic level by using high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry reveals that very thin layers of LuFe2O4 lacking Fe–O layers, corresponding to the hexagonal LuFeO3 and Lu2Fe3O7 compositions, are formed at the interface between the c-axis oriented LuFe2O4 thin film and YSZ substrate with a Lu-rich region just on the surface of the substrate. Such an interfacial structure leads to an exchange bias effect peculiarly observed for an interface formed by different types of magnetic materials. The LuFe2O4 thin film itself shows spin glass transition similar to bulk LuFe2O4 with an off-stoichiometric oxygen ratio. Also, a change in electronic transport behavior between Arrhenius-type and variable range hopping schemes has been observed in the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity around the three-dimensional charge ordering temperature.

三層系ビスマス高温超伝導体特有の現象をPhysical Review Bに発表

アメリカ物理学会誌Physical ReviewBに、超伝導転移温度が最も高い構造である三層系銅酸化物高温超伝導体特有の現象に関する弘前大学、物質材料研究機構との共同研究の成果を発表しました。

Role of the inner copper oxide plane in interlayer Josephson effects in multilayered cuprate superconductors

Yoshiki Nomura, Riku Okamoto, Taka-aki Mizuno, Shintaro Adachi, Takao Watanabe, Minoru Suzuki, and Itsuhiro Kakeya
Phys. Rev. B 100, 144515 – Published 28 October 2019




円偏光テラヘルツ放射に関する研究成果がApplied Physics Lettersで論文出版

Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 052601 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5040159


米国医師会発行のJAMA Ophtalmology誌(インパクトファクター6.7)に宇宙飛行中の視神経などの異常に関する論文が掲載され、京都大学からプレスリリースを行いました。

Research Letter

Association of Space Flight With Problems of the Brain and Eyes

Abstract Full Text
JAMA Ophthalmol. Published online July 5, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.2635

This study explores the association of cerebrospinal fluid pressure and brain upward shift with space flight–associated neuroocular syndrome in postflight astronauts.






Carrier doping into a superconducting BaPb0.7Bi0.3O3−δepitaxial film using an electric double-layer transistor structure

S Komori1 and I Kakeya

Published 27 April 2018 • © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd

Superconductor Science and TechnologyVolume 31Number 6


Doping evolution of the unconventional superconducting properties in BaBiO3-based compounds has yet to be clarified in detail due to the significant change of the oxygen concentration accompanied by the chemical substitution. We suggest that the carrier concentration of an unconventional superconductor, BaPb0.7Bi0.3O3−δ , is controllable without inducing chemical or structural changes using an electric double-layer transistor structure. The critical temperature is found to decrease systematically with increasing carrier concentration.

Phys. Rev. Applied誌に論文発表

円偏光テラヘルツ波の発振に関する論文がPhys. Rev. Applied誌から12月29日にオンライン公開されました。

Monolithic Superconducting Emitter of Tunable Circularly Polarized Terahertz Radiation

A. Elarabi, Y. Yoshioka, M. Tsujimoto, and I. Kakeya
Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 064034 – Published 29 December 2017







新しい論文がSuperconductor Science and Technology誌に掲載

固有ジョセフソン接合におけるスイッチングダイナミクスに関する論文がSuperconductor Science and Technology誌に掲載されました。

Y. Nomura, R. Okamoto, and I. Kakeya,
“Negative correlation between enhanced crossover temperature and fluctuation-free critical current of the second switch in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O${}_{8+\delta }$ intrinsic Josephson junction”,
Supercond. Sci. Technol., 30 105001(2017).

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/aa7b23


We have investigated the switching dynamics of the first and second switches in intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O${}_{8+\delta }$ with different maximum Josephson current density J c to reveal the doping evolution of interaction between IJJs. For the second switch, the crossover temperature between temperature-independent switching similar to quantum tunneling and thermally activated switching ${T}_{2\mathrm{nd}}^{* }$ is remarkably higher than that for the first switch. Moreover, ${T}_{2\mathrm{nd}}^{* }$ slightly decreases with increasing J c, which violates the conventional relation between the crossover temperature and the critical current density. These features can be explained not by a change in the Josephson coupling energy but by a change in the charging energy of the Josephson junction. We argue that the capacitive coupling model explains the increase in the fluctuation in the quantum regime of the second switch and the anti-correlation between ${T}_{2\mathrm{nd}}^{* }$ and J c. Furthermore, inductive coupling does not contribute to these peculiar phenomena in the switching dynamics of stacked IJJs.

Phys. Rev. Bから論文の発表

弘前大・東大・東北大との共同研究の成果に関する論文が固体物理の専門誌Phys. Rev. Bに掲載されました。

Origin of positive out-of-plane magnetoconductivity in overdoped Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2CaCu1.96Fe0.04O8+\delta
Takao Watanabe, Tomohiro Usui, Shintaro Adachi, Yuki Teramoto, Mihaly M. Dobroka, Itsuhiro Kakeya, Akihiro Kondo, Koichi Kindo, and Shojiro Kimura
Phys. Rev. B 94, 174517 – Published 28 November 2016




