Lists of my presentations.
International Conferences
(Oral; Invited)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in doped Bi2Se3 topological superconductors
F52.00003 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa, Ivan Kostylev, Zhiwei Wang, Yoichi Ando, Yoshiteru Maeno
Control of the nematic superconductivity of SrxBi2Se3 and its domains by uniaxial strain
Session 1 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa
Multi-axial strain measurement of SrTiO3 and SrxBi2Se3
PC2-1-INV (Oral; Invited)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity and its strain control in doped Bi2Se3 topological superconductors
(Oral; Invited)
S. Yonezawa
Domain control in the topological nematic superconductor SrxBi2Se3
(Oral; Invited)
S. Yonezawa
Discovery of nematic superconductivity in doped Bi2Se3 and its domain control
D3-13(2)-I07 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Observation and control of nematic topological superconductivity in doped Bi2Se3 superconductors
5PM-3 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa
Control of nematic superconductivity in SrxBi2Se3 by uniaxial strain
T-O10 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa C. A. Marrache-Kikuchi, A. Sedeki, P. Auban-Senzier, K. Bechgaard, C. Bourbonnais, D. Jerome
Superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4 tuned by disorder
Fp13 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Probing and tuning of nematic superconductivity in doped Bi2Se3 superconductors
P08 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa, H. Suwa, T. Kajikawa, E. I. Paredes Aulestia, K. Y. Yip, K. T. Lai, S. K. Goh, Y. Maeno
Electric-current-induced two-fold behavior in the in-plane upper critical field of Sr2RuO4
(Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Observation and Control of Nematic Superconductivity in Doped Bi2Se3 Topological Superconductors
(Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Order Parameters of Topological Superconductors Investigated Using Field-Angle-Resolved Experiments
S. Yonezawa
Superconducting anisotropy of Sr2RuO4 under in-plane magnetic field and current
Session We-S38 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic Superconducting Gap in the Topological Superconductor CuxBi2Se3
7AM-3 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic topological superconductivity in doped Bi2Se3 systems
23A-2 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3 and other doped Bi2Se3 systems
S. Yonezawa
Thermal imaging of Ca2RuO4
Session I (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in doped-Bi2Se3 topological superconductors
S. Yonezawa, T. Kajikawa, Y. Maeno
Anomalous magnetic-field-angle dependence of the specific heat of Sr2RuO4
P-12 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3 and other doped Bi2Se3 systems
Session 2 (Oral; Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in the doped topological insulator CuxBi2Se3
POS-031 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno, K. Bechgaard, C. A. Marrache-Kikuchi, and D. Jerome
Simultaneous Measurements of the Resistivity and AC Susceptibility of (TMTSF)2ClO4 under Precise Control of Anion Disorder
35 (Oral, Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Discovery of Nematic Superconductivity through Magnetic-Field-Angle-Resolved Calorimetry
S17-5 (Oral, Symposium (Invited) talk)
S. Yonezawa
Field-angular dependence of the specific heat of CuxBi2Se3
S02-4 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa, Yoshiteru Maeno, Klaus Bechgaard, Denis Jerome
Evolution of superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4 with increasing anion disorder
(Oral, Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in the strongly-spin-orbit-coupled doped topological insulator CuxBi2Se3
12PM-4 (Oral, Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconducting gap of CuxBi2Se3 revealed by field-angle resolved calorimetry
V22.3 (Oral, Invited symposium talk)
S. Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3 revealed by field-angle-resolved calorimetry
R45.11 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa, M. Oudah, A. Ikeda, J.N. Hausmann, T. Fukumoto, S. Kobayashi, M. Sato and Y. Maeno
Superconductivity in the doped antiperovskite oxide Sr3-xSnO
6A-2 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa and G.-q. Zheng
Topological, spin-triplet, and nematic superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3
PS-4 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa, K. Tajiri, S. Nakata, Z. Wang, Y. Nagai, K. Segawa, Y. Ando, Y. Maeno
Nematic superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3 revealed by field-angle resolved calorimetory
M07 (Oral, Invited talk)
S. Yonezawa
Calorimetric studies of topological superconductors
Mo-S10 KN1 (Oral, Keynote Talk)
S. Yonezawa
Recent studies on unconventional superconductivity in (TMTSF)2X
S006 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa, D. Shibata, H. Tanaka, T. Kajikawa, T. Nojima, Y. Maeno
Superconducting and vortex phase diagrams of Sr2RuO4
4th Super-PIRE - 26th REIMEI Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics [May 16-22th, 2015, TRIUMF/UBC, Vancouver, Canada]
S. Yonezawa
Thermodynamic studies of the chiral-p-wave superconductor Sr2RuO4
18AM-6 (Oral, Invited Talk)
S. Yonezawa
Anomalous superconducting phase diagram of the chiral-p-wave
superconductor Sr2RuO4
Tu-IS10-1 (Oral, Invited Talk)
S. Yonezawa, T. Kajikawa, H. Tanaka, D. Shibata, Y. Maeno
Superconducting phase diagram and pair-breaking mechanism in Sr2RuO4
7A-E-1-3 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa, T. Kajikawa, and Y. Maeno
Thermodynamic Evidence of the First-Order Superconducting Transition in Sr2RuO4
I5-04 (Oral, Invited Talk)
S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno, and K. Bechgaard, D. Jérome
Calorimetric study of unconventional superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4
IN72 (Oral, Invited Talk)
S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno, and K. Bechgaard, D. Jérome
Thermodynamic Study of Unconventional Superconductivity in the Bechgaard Salt
17AM-5 (Oral, Invited Talk)
S. Yonezawa, T. Kajikawa, Y. Maeno
Anomalous Superconducting Transition of Sr2RuO4 Investigated by Magnetocaloric Effect
I-7 (Oral, Invited Talk)
S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno, and K. Bechgaard, D. Jérome
Superconducting Gap Structure and Phase Diagram of (TMTSF)2ClO4
6Ax-09 (Oral)
S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno, and K. Bechgaard
Specific Heat Study of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductor(TMTSF)2ClO4
The 8th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Ferromagnets (ISCOM2009) [Sept. 2009, Niseko, Hokkaido]
00170 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa, S. Kusaba, Y. Maeno, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, and D. Jérome
Superconducting Phase Diagram of (TMTSF)2ClO4
The International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT25) [Aug. 2008, Amsterdam, Netherland]
PB-Mo97 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa, S. Kusaba, Y. Maeno, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, and D. Jérome
Field-Induced Dimensional Crossover and Anomalous Superconducting States in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4
The 8th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-HTSC-VIII) [July 2006, Dresden, Germany]
PB-Tu-64 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa and Y. Maeno
Properties of the oxide type-I superconductor Ag5Pb2O6
24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT24) [Aug. 2005, Florida, USA]
PB-Tu-64 (Poster)
S. Yonezawa and Y. Maeno
Possible Type-I Superconductivity in Ag5Pb2O6 Probed by AC Susceptibility
Domestic Conferernces and Workshops
Under construction.
Seminars in Universities
Only talks by me are listed here.
Shingo Yonezawa
Observation and control of nematic superconductivity in doped Bi2Se3
Shingo Yonezawa
Investigation of bulk topological superconductors
under accurate field-direction control
Shingo Yonezawa
Nematic superconductivity in intercalated Bi2Se3 systems
Stanford University Regularly Scheduled Cmp Seminar (Mar. 9th, 2017)
Shingo Yonezawa
Possible bulk topological superconductors: the nematic superconductor CuxBi2Se3 and the doped Dirac-metal superconductor Sr3-xSnO
Stanford University, Z. X. Shen's group, group meeting (Mar. 9th, 2017)
Shingo Yonezawa
Electric-current-induced giant diamagnetism in the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4
Chinese University of Hong Kong (Sep. 23rd, 2016)
Shingo Yonezawa
Calorimetric investigations of topological superconductors with and without time-reversal symmetry
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Sep. 22nd, 2016)
Shingo Yonezawa
Nematic Superconductivity in the Doped Topological Insulator CuxBi2Se3
Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France (Oct. 3rd, 2011)
Shingo Yonezawa
Superconducting gap structure and thermodynamic phase diagram of (TMTSF)2ClO4determined by field-angle-resolved calorimetry
Univ. Cologne (Aug. 18th, 2008)
Shingo Yonezawa
Anomalous superconducting state of the quasi-one-dimensional superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4 observed in magnetic fields above the Pauli-limiting field